Press Release
Galco Gunleather is excited to announce book signings and appearances at the 2014 NRA Annual Meetings in Indianapolis, all in Galco’s booth #5464.
Mike Detty, popular shooting writer and author of Guns Across the Border, will be signing from 9AM-10AM on Friday and Saturday. Guns Across the Border documents how the ATF “gun walking” sting operations failed to stop Mexican gun smuggling cartels – and even aided their efforts.
Tom McHale, author of the Insanely Practical Guides series of shooting-related books and prolific blogger/reviewer at, will be signing from 10AM-11AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Tom will be joining forces with firearms instructor Kathy Jackson, author of the popular book The Cornered Cat: A Woman’s Guide to Concealed Carry and owner of Kathy will also be signing from 10AM-11AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Popular – and occasionally controversial – defensive shooting instructor James Yeager of Tactical Response will appear Saturday from 2PM-3PM to meet and talk to fellow shooters. Photographs with James are welcome.
Britney Starr is the author of the Galco-sponsored “ShootingStarr” column at Women’s Outdoor News. Her byline has appeared in American Hunter, Turkey Country, GunUp, African Hunting Gazette and The Daily Caller. Britney will appear from 11AM-12PM Saturday and Sunday to meet fellow shooters and hunters, and discuss her love of the outdoors.