Press Release

Galco Gunleather is excited to introduce the Speed Master 2.0™ convertible holster! The new Speed Master combines features from the existing Speed Paddle and Wraith 2™ models to create a highly versatile and concealable multipurpose holster.

The Speed Master 2.0’s versatility derives from its included twin attachment methods – a paddle and an adjustable belt slot – that are quickly and easily interchangeable by the end user. A flat-headed screwdriver is the only tool needed to swap one attachment for the other, giving the gun carrier the choice of two carry methods: the convenient paddle design or the stable and traditional belt slot. Removable spacers permit adjustment of the belt slot for belts from 1 ¼” through 1 ¾”, while the extremely secure paddle fits belts to 1 ¾”.

Featuring an open top and minimal cant for fast draw, covered trigger guard for safety, and tension screw adjustment for added security, the Speed Master 2.0 is constructed of premium saddle leather.

Currently available for semiauto pistols, the Speed Master 2.0 is available in right hand designs in tan or black finish.