
The Pros and Cons of Cross Draw Carry
The Pros and Cons of Cross Draw Carry

Posted By: Zac C.

Cross draw carry may seem like an afterthought to many modern shooters, but it’s hard to imagine a more iconic carry method. For many years it was the most hardworking, practical holster system money could buy. Holstering a firearm butt-forward and reaching across the torso to draw made perfect sense to defend yourself while seated - not to mention it looked incredible. Gunslinger chic and modern usability are two different things, naturally, and the majority of handgun owners now choose to carry their firearm on the strong side hip. However, there are still plenty of times when the classic crossdraw is the best holster for the...

The Best Glock 19 Holsters
The Best Glock 19 Holsters

Posted By: Zac C.

The Best Glock 19 Holsters Choosing the best Glock 19 holsters depends on a number of factors. Ultimately, each person has different needs and what works best for one person isn’t best for another. Factors to consider include whether you are looking for open carry or concealed carry. Additionally, ease of access, hand dominance, style of clothing, and level of comfort are important factors to keep in mind. We offer many holsters that are ambidextrous as well as others where you can choose between right or left handed draw. A good holster should also protect the trigger when re-holstering to prevent the risk of negligent discharge. ...

Holsters For Your 1911
Holsters For Your 1911

Posted By: Zac C.

Holsters for your 1911 The 1911 pistol is an incredibly popular gun commonly used for concealed carry and is well-liked for its power and ease of shooting. A classic gun like the 1911 deserves a holster that matches its reputation. At Galco Holsters we use premium materials whether that is leather, Kydex, or nylon. We build products meant for comfort, ease of access, and durability. We offer a variety of options for 1911 holsters; below we will go over a number of popular choices. It is important to consider retention (ensuring your gun is secure), covered trigger, ease of access, and choosing a holster that works for your dominant...

Why We Don't Recommend Small Of Back Holsters
Why We Don't Recommend Small Of Back Holsters

Posted By: Zac C.

Galco gets a lot of inquiries about small of back holsters (or SOB holsters). These are holsters worn in the center of the lower back, over the spine, or what we’d call the 6 o’clock position. While this was a fairly common carry method in decades past, and remains one in gun-ignorant Hollywood productions, Galco hasn’t made a small of back holster in many years. Galco discontinued the small of back holsters we made in the past because, frankly, it’s just not a good way to carry a gun. There are several reasons SOB holsters are a poor choice for defensive carry: Obviously the most important is safety, and...

Galco - made in the USA since 1969!
Galco - made in the USA since 1969!

Posted By: Mike B.

It started humbly with a small family leathergoods shop in Chicago, Illinois. One can argue that Chicago doesn’t exactly top the list for a great gun culture anymore, but as we all know, things were a little different back in 1969. Richard Gallagher lived in Chicago and that’s where he founded The Famous Jackass Leather Company, the predecessor to what’s now Galco. We’ve told the story many times of how the rightly-famous Jackass/Miami Classic shoulder holster rig came into being. But what sometimes gets lost in that tale – with the Hollywood glitz of Don Johnson and Miami Vice – is that it was really...


Posted By: CSR .

Ahh Mother’s Day! A day we’re pampered and waited on. Oh, wait! I don’t know about you, that’s just not my reality. Save the money you were going to spend on chocolates and flowers, and get mom what she really wants: something to help keep her safe!   Women are the fastest growing segment of the firearm industry. Why? Because we’re starting to realize that safety is an individual responsibility. Add kids into the mix, and your responsibility to keep not only yourself safe, but your family too, multiplies.    I recently had a conversation with an acquaintance. He made sure to tell me that...

Nah, modern guns!
Nah, modern guns!

Posted By: CSR .

Don’t listen to Gerry’s blog post! I’m Leo and I’m a gunaholic (it should be a word). I consider myself to be closer to the average gun owner around here. What I mean by that is: I don’t shoot competitively, have hundreds of hours of training, or been carrying since gunpowder was invented. I carry a gun as a hobby, and as such, I like to buy and trade guns often to get a better feel for what works best for me.  What I have found is that I prefer to carry a modern handgun over a vintage one, i.e. old. I can appreciate that old guns can be fun to shoot and aesthetically pleasing. But something that was...

Vintage guns in modern holsters?
Vintage guns in modern holsters?

Posted By: Gerard D.

I’m known as the “old guy” here at Galco. When asked to contribute to the new Galco blog, my first thoughts were of vintage firearms, specifically revolvers. To be even more specific, revolvers in the almost obsolete caliber of .32-20 WCF, otherwise known as .32-20 Winchester. This great little cartridge was developed and used in the Winchester Model 73 and 92 rifles, as well as many revolvers of that bygone era before World War II. My two particular revolvers are a classic Colt Police Positive Special and the venerable S&W Military and Police (which later became the Model 10). The Colt Police Positive Special is a...
